Complete renovation for a wonderful downsizing couple. Built to their budget requirements but with lots of great features. Designed by T Square Designs
Wedgewood Estates
AJC 2018-07-31T05:34:30+00:00Complete interior renovation bringing the townhome into todays upscale style and modern feel . Designed by: Trudi Jones Interior Design (Photos From Trudi)
Mt Newton Estate
AJC 2018-07-31T05:35:22+00:0014,000 square foot country estate for a very fussy and particular lady. Designed by: Michael Cullin
Beach House
AJC 2018-07-31T05:36:25+00:00Contemporary waterfront Home for American businessman and family.Bamboo kitchen which won award for best northwest kitchen in American publication. Designed by Frank D’Ambrosia Architects featured in Boulevard Magazine, winner of the Care Awards